Starting at Moses
Moses spoke of death and resurrection for Israel as much as he spoke of the observance of the commandments in Israel.
He spoke of death and resurrection for Israel in Mashiach.
He spoke of death and resurrection for Israel because there is no other blessing.
The whole Torah is the blessing of Israel promised to Abraham and any blessing in Adam is only through death and resurrection, only through the death and resurrection of Mashiach for Israel.
"Whomsoever you bless will be blessed and whomsoever you curse will be cursed." - This is nothing other than the Torah with the Last Adam and the Torah with only the first Adam.
The Torah with the Last Adam is the blessing. It is the Torah with his death and resurrection for Israel.
The Eternal Covenant made with Abraham is the covenant that Israel would be redeemed through the death and resurrection of Mashiach for her. It is not therefore a covenant that stands independent from the new covenant, for the new covenant is this same covenant fulfilled - it is not a different covenant. Nor is the covenant that God made with Israel at mount Sinai a different covenant. For there is no Torah in Israel without the death and resurrection of Israel.
This is the meaning of "Ought not Mashiach to have suffered and to have entered into his glory?"
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